A computer hacker is someone who lives and breathes computers, who knows all about computers, and who can get a computer to do anything. Some types of hackers are ethically driven. However, hacking is more commonly associated with criminality. Two recent hacks are listed below:
British Hacker Loses U.S. Extradition Appeal
Published: April 3, 2007
New York Times
Gary McKinnon, a British computer expert, was arrested in 2002 following charges by U.S. prosecutors that he illegally accessed 97 government computers - including Pentagon, U.S. army, navy and NASA systems - causing $700,000 worth of damage.
McKinnon lost the right to appeal against plans to extradite him to the United States to stand trial as the judges stated that his actions were “intentional and calculated to influence and affect the U.S. government by intimidation and coercion.”
McKinnon is said to be the biggest military computer hack of all time, and could face charges of $1.75 million, and 70 years in jail.
TJX Says Theft of Credit Data Involved 45.7 Million Cards
Published: March 30, 2007
New York Times
Information from at least 45.7 million credit and debit cards was stolen by hackers who gained access to discount retailer TJX’s customer information in a security breach that they discovered three months ago. The theft, however, occurred in mid-July 2005, and the hackers obtained transaction information dating back to 2003.
TJX does not fully understand how the breach took place, who did it, and exactly how many cards were affected because it deleted much of the transaction data in the normal course of business between the time of the breach and the time that TJX detected it. But at least half a million customers had their personal data stolen.
But last week six people were caught using credit card numbers that are believed to match the TJX customer data. The six people purchased $1 million worth of gift-cards at Walmart. TJX has not yet confirmed the validity of the credit card matches.
Computer hacking is an art. Yes, it causes millions of dollars in damages and can harm national security. But it’s aesthetic to create programs that can bypass heavy security measures companies and government agencies place. And that’s why great hacks go into the “Hackers Hall of Fame.”
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